Hey guys! Whats up?? Im Marci from the Untilted pogo
* * If anything is bold after the title then you can click
on it : ) * *
Name : Marci
Hobbies: Pogo stcking :p
basketball, golf, unicycle : )
Favorite movie: Charlie &
the Chocolate Factory
Favorite Animal : Cat!! I have two
Favorite Show : Traveler =D
Number of Pogo Sticks Broken: 3 .
. . so far
First Trick: One hand
Favorite Trick: Barspin
Trick Currently Working On: *Leg
over the bar*, Can-Can
Tricks: Barspin, peg grab, no hands,
one foot, peg stall, hooha, the chick, the duck, whirlygig
Favorite Song: Fences, Brighter
and Pressure - Paramore <3
Getting Started: Well, its a long
story but i hope you have some time. My bestfriend Stephanie,another member of the Untilted Pogo Team, brought
over her pogo stick. I looked at her like ' what is that? ' later finding out it is the most fun thing in the world! At first
i was not able to jump on, i was very happy when i had 7 jumps in a row. I tooka brake for abut 3 weeks because i was mad
that i couldnt do it. Three weeks later i could jump nonstop. Seeing matt, my brother also on the team, doing tricks with
stephanie i was amzed. I decided i had to try that, but i couldnt. Steph and Matt decided o make a team and i would have to
do a barspin to be on the team. I am a scardy cat so it took me forever. One time iwas done in myh basement and i was trying
adn trying and steph was helpingm and helping me. i was in shock, i had just landed a barson. i screamed so loud out of shock!
From then on i would practice and try to land other tricks, thanks to steph and matt because of their faith in me and their
help, I am on the Untilted Pogo Team.