Pogo stick: foam master
Number of pogo sticks broken:..1
contact me:Greenday121112
favorite band:greenday, poison, blink-182, pink floyid
Things i love: HAVING FUN!!!!i like to have fun in every
thing i do no matter what and i i dont i make it fun!!
Things i hate:School ugg >: E but i make it fun
favorite tricks:peg grabs, one foot peg grabe, cancan,
whrilygig, truck, moter cycle
Hobbies:Having fun, pogo sticking, doing stunts, grass
sleding, hockey
Motto:born crying die laughing
other members:marci stephanie
I started to
pogo stick when my friend steph brought over her pogo stick and i asked if i could try, she let me. I got a
few bounces and i kept trying till i could bounce with no problem after i was able to bounce with
no problem i started to fall in lov with pogo sticking i was addicted to it then steph was showing me some tricks
i started to try some tricks then i was able to do a bs 180 and every time steph came ove we would pogo for hours
none stop then we learned new tricks and we keept practincing after a wile i got my own pogo stick i
would always practice i couldnt get off of it it was a my babey soon it grew a part of me i started to wach cips on the computer
and then i went out side and tryed them afechily i started to make up my own tricks(later i fugered
out that they were already made) then me and steph were pogo sticking at the basket ball cort at a pool and we decided
to make a pogo team later on that day we told marci about are pogo sticking team and she thought
it was cool me and steph said if you could do a bs 180 you cuold join later that week she landed one and she joinded then
we all practice in the basement we all were madly in love with pogo sticking.