bio: I am currently the leader of the untilted pogo team.
I have been pogo sticking ever since i was eight years old.. when i could only do 7 bounces. I have been stunt pogo sticking
for 3 months. I first found out about it, when i thought i was making up my own sport. I kept some of the names that i called
"my" tricks. Like a hu ha, i called a drop in. And a peg grab, i called a toe touch. But my favorite name was what i named
the truck. I called it a pogo hump... only because it looked like.. well you get it. After all of that, i went on the computer
and researched extreme pogo sticking. I found the site
I was so excited. Only because it was exactly what i was looking for, a website that
told me everything i need to know about pogo sticking. I started telling some of my friends (Matt, Marci, and soon to be member
Brandan) They all loved it as much i do. And it was cool, because they didnt cair about getting in trouble when we pogo sticked
in place we werent supposed to. Examples are, pools, camp resorts, and even the libary! I put together and i manage this site,
so please contact me at if there are any problems.